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Joshua had Moses. Paul had Barnabas.
The disciples had Jesus.
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Life is hard. Young men need answers. And more importantly, they need someone
to show them how to apply those answers to their everyday lives. They need a mentor. You could be that mentor. Will you step up and answer the call?

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It costs nothing. Nada. Zilch.

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The most successful people have one thing in common – they didn’t do it on their own. They had someone else who showed them the way. This website can connect you to people who can show you how to live life the way God intends it to be lived. Joshua had Moses. Paul had Barnabas. The disciples had Jesus.
Who do you have?

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Case Studies


Saved from addiction


A Mid-Life Change of Direction


A Seasoned Expert on Mentoring

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What People Are Saying

“The men who are making the greatest impact for God in this generation are men who have placed themselves under the tutelage of other godly men. There’s no comparison! If you care about making any kind of difference with your life — in your work, with your family, in your community, in your faith — then find someone who can help you grow and realize your life goals.”

Howard Hendricks, Author, As Iron Sharpens Iron

“My life would not have taken the course it did without the input of a few very key men along the way. As a coach, I saw firsthand the difference between players who had trusted mentors and those who unfortunately did not.”

Tom Landry, NFL Hall of Fame Coach Dallas Cowboys

“Mentoring and being mentored are among the most important but often missed relationships in life.“

Bill Bright, Founder, Campus Crusade for Christ

“Mentoring is not an option, it is a necessity.”

Tony Evans, Author, Pastor

“Having benefitted in a life-changing way from being mentored by a man thirty years my senior, I can recommend mentoring enthusiastically.”

Bob Buford, Author